Leith Links and hibs.net join forces to help local children

2013_09 HIBS  7

Generous Hibs’ fans from the supporter’s messageboard hibs.net have joined forces with supporter’s initiative ‘Leith Links’ to raise money to enable local children to attend games at Easter Road.

All the money raised will be pooled and put towards buying ‘Kicks for Kids’ season tickets, which now means that fans who want to support the initiative don’t have to donate the full price of a ticket.

Each ‘Kicks for Kids’ season ticket costs £75 and over the years the generosity of supporters has enabled thousands of children to attend a match at Easter Road Stadium.

The minimum donation is £5 which means that everyone that puts money towards the scheme, no matter how big or small the contribution, is playing a part in paying for the ‘Kicks for Kids’ season tickets and helping to provide local children with access to the Hibernian match day experience.

So far 48 Kicks for Kids Season Ticket Memberships have been secured for the 14/15 campaign; already an impressive effort and that’s just the beginning. The aim for this year is to raise enough to be able to purchase 100 tickets.

Susan Linn, treasurer of Leith Links, praised the efforts of the fans, who make such schemes like this possible: “This new development is a testament to the generosity of the Hibee family in helping children who wouldn’t normally be able to attend games at Easter Road.

“It now means that many more people will hear all about this excellent scheme and therefore hopefully we will be able to increase the amount of tickets we can buy.  Supporters can now set up a monthly donation, which will directly enable local children to watch football – the Hibs fans of the future”

For more information visit:

Hibs.net http://www.hibs.net/showthread.php?280410-Kicks-For-Kids-Fundraiser-2014-15-6-Season-Tickets-Bought-So-Far

Leith Links http://leithlinks4kids.com/

Or email leithlinks@live.co.uk