Five things you need to know today Edinburgh!

RebBullHillChasersEdinburgh 7


Red Bull Hillchasers – Portraits of Italian Cinema – Granton Community Gardeners – Leith Community Crops in Pots – Easter Egg Hunt

On Saturday there was a great buzz about The Mound when the Red Bull Hillchasers took place. Our photo shows the winner, Michal Prokop, who cycled up the hill from bottom to top in 27.759 seconds. Just remember that when your bus is going up there today or you are on foot trying not to stop halfway to catch your breath.

More photos and video here.


201404101702sofia lorenAt the Italian Cultural Institute, 82 Nicolson Street, EH8 9EW Edinburgh College of Art is presenting Portraits of Italian Cinema, a collection of original portraits of some of the most famous figures in the history of Italian cinema.

People such as Sophia Loren and Federico Fellini feature in the art by students of ECA and a selection of Italian artists in Edinburgh.

Open from today till Wednesday  9-5pm Additional information here. 


Granton Community Gardeners need a name for their new patch of garden opposite Lidl – Any ideas add them to their Facebook page please!


Leith Community Crops in Pots say that they were inspired by this video of a TED talk. Their Mission Statement is “To encourage and support the people and organisations of Leith to grow food vegetables, and flowers for bees, in urban spaces, in order to improve health and well-being, community cohesion and environment.”

Maybe it will inspire others across the city to get growing!



A bit of an unusual venue for an Easter Egg hunt – the Maid of the Forth plies up and down from the Hawes Pier in South Queensferry to Inchcolm Island and beyond. Book now!

2014 Easter Egg Hunt

As usual we will be holding our annual Easter Egg Hunt on Inchcolm over the Easter Weekend, lots of eggs hidden around the Abbey for you to find so make sure you book your tickets online here so you can join in the fun.