International Women’s Day – speaking with Councillor Angela Blacklock
Councillor Angela Blacklock is also known as Bailie Angela Blacklock and is the Labour Councillor for the Leith Walk Ward.
What are you doing to celebrate International Women’s Day?
I will be attending the Womankind fundraiser in Edinburgh
What is your job?
I am a local councillor.
Would you give us a quick version of your career path?
I have a background in business management but following a career break to look after my young children my hobby became my job when I was elected to represent the Leith Walk ward for the City of Edinburgh Council in 2007.
If you had been given career advice on leaving school (knowing what you know now!) what would it have been?
Choose languages and sciences and take the time to study what interests you.
Do you use any formal networking organisations? If you do which ones do you find useful?
I am on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter. I am a member of a pot luck supper club and the Edinburgh Oyster Club. I find the latter two the most useful for hearing about what people think of the Council and the Labour party.
Do you think there are enough women in important positions in private and public organisations in Edinburgh?
No, there aren’t enough women in important positions in Edinburgh.
Who is your inspirational female figure and why?
Angela Merkel, she is the leader of the biggest economy in Europe and just keeps going. I also love Hilary Clinton partly because she is married to Bill who has been the best American President in my memory and they make a great team, I hope she becomes President soon. Sorry that’s two.