£eith Decides – Depute Lord Provost reminds you to vote tomorrow!

2013_01_11TER Leith Walk

Councillor Deidre Brock would like to remind you to get along to the decision-making event tomorrow 15 February 2014 at Leith Community Education Centre, New Kirkgate between 1.00 pm and 3.00 pm.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vB93pDAlkaA]

This is a fun family event so you are told to bring children with you.  Anyone aged 8 years or over, who lives, works, volunteers or studies in the Leith Neighbourhood Partnership area, is asked to make the decision on grant awards.  This is done by giving every project a score out of five.  The projects with the highest scores will be given a community grant.  Results are announced on the day.

£22,885 is to be allocated in community grants of up to £1,000.

There is also ‘Play from a Box’ for 5 yrs to 9 yr olds, and face-painting for everyone.  All free of charge.

The record for number of participants at a £eith decides event is 724 (in 2012).  Can Leith beat that this year?

Note:  If you have already submitted your scores to the library, you cannot score projects again.

£eith decides 2013-14: Choice of Projects list below:-
