Edinburgh Schools encouraged to help people get online for Christmas


BT is appealing to schools across Scotland to help people in their local communities get online in time for Christmas.

BT has teamed up with children’s charity, The Transformation Trust, to run BT Digital Champions, a free initiative for schools which enables students to share their internet skills and help people get online for the first time or improve their existing skills.

BT Digital Champions aims to help 20,000 people in the UK improve their online skills. Students across Scotland can compete to get the most people online.

As a reward for completing BT Digital Champions activity, schools will receive free tickets for Rock Assembly 2014, which takes place at Wembley Arena in London on July 9 2014. As an extra incentive, The BT Digital Champions Christmas Challenge will reward the top three schools that help the most people to get online this term with some amazing prizes, including all-in-one computers and VIP seats at Rock Assembly. The highest performing student will get the chance to meet some of the celebrity music acts at the concert.

More than 7 million UK adults have never been online. BT Digital Champions, which is part of BT’s Connected Society programme, aims to build the confidence and skills of individuals to get online and get more out of life whether they are trying simple activities, such as keeping in touch with family, or using the internet to make major changes to their lives, such as finding a new job.

Liz Turner, BT Scotland’s head of corporate responsibility, said: “This initiative not only provides huge benefit to our local communities but also gives students the opportunity to win fantastic prizes for themselves and their school – simply by sharing their knowledge with others and volunteering their time and skills to help someone get online. It would be great to see Scottish schools sign up to help get people in their community online.”

Students who took part in BT Digital Champions previously reported that, as well as helping their local community, they benefited personally from getting involved.

Around 78 per cent of students said they felt more confident, 81 per cent said they had learnt something new, 86 per cent felt they had achieved something worthwhile and 88 per cent felt more motivated to do better at school after taking part.

All students taking part receive a certificate and wristband in recognition of their volunteering efforts.

Amy Leonard, chief executive of The Transformation Trust, said: “Our mission is to help students to become their ‘best selves’ and BT Digital Champions presents a fantastic opportunity for young people to gain valuable skills and experience for the workplace whilst helping others.

“We will be rewarding schools with some brilliant Christmas prizes, and of course, are looking forward to celebrating with everyone at The Transformation Trust’s end of term concert, Rock Assembly 2014.”

Students can spend their own time training a family member or friend as homework or schools can organise group training sessions with full resources and support provided.     Teachers are invited to register for the programme at www.btdigitalchampions.com or call 0207 993 3516.