Edinburgh Police Launch Survey for Capital Business Community
Police Scotland has launched an online survey that aims to give members of the Edinburgh business community the opportunity to shape policing in the Capital in the future.
The survey, which from today is available to complete on the Police Scotland website, seeks the views of businesses on how policing should be delivered across the city over a three-year period.
The Edinburgh Policing Plan 2014-2017 will outline the approach that will be taken in communities across the Capital, based on local priorities.
Police want the business community in the city to have their say on the plan, and are making contact with them in order to canvass views.
The consultation process gets underway today with the launch of the online survey, which can be accessed through the following link
There has also been a series of community sessions held across all city neighbourhoods, as well as a stakeholder summit planned for early 2014.
Superintendent Matt Richards, from Police Scotland, said: “The policing plan will be fundamental to our approach to policing Edinburgh over the period 2014-2017, and it is vital that people play their part in helping to inform the content of the plan.
“The online business survey is a great opportunity for business people to have their say in how policing is delivered in the Capital, and we want as many as possible to get involved, so that we can shape our plans around what is important to our local business community.
“Last year our consultation highlighted that both local businesses and large international corporations wanted more communication around priorities, trends and operations so as to work in partnership with the police to ensure a safer and prosperous city. The survey offers this opportunity.
“Policing our communities and keeping people safe are enduring priorities for Police Scotland, and we are committed to ongoing engagement with those who live and work in Edinburgh as we follow a common path to make our communities safer and stronger.”