Big ticket give away from Edinburgh’s Christmas
150 tickets to be given away every day for the Ice Rink, the Big Wheel and the Star Flyer, 450 a day.
5,400 tickets in all over 12 Days.
To celebrate the 12 Days of Christmas, Edinburgh’s Christmas have spiced things up and are giving away 150 tickets per day for each of the Ice Rink, Big Wheel and the Star Flyer, 450 tickets a day, 5,400 tickets in all. All people have to do is meet one of the following festive criteria for each of the alternative 12 days of Christmas … and they’ll get a free ride or skate between 10am and 5pm on the relevant day (subject to availability).
Day 1 – 24th December
Christmas Eve Dress-up
All you have to do is come dressed as a Santa, an Elf or even an Angel.
Day 2 – 26th December
Ginger -Heid day
To celebrate the national hair colour of Scotland, we welcome all those with natural or dyed red or ginger hair – no costume wigs or see-you-Jimmy hats accepted!.
Day 3 – 27th December
Mary and Joseph Day
We are putting a call out for all Mary’s, Marie’s, Joseph’s and Joe’s to come and enjoy Edinburgh’s Christmas.
Day 4 – 28th December
Wear a Kilt Day
Very simply get your kilt on and you get a ticket (mind it might get chilly at the top of the Star Flyer!)
Day 5 – 29th December
Twin, triplet, quadruplet, quintuplet, sextuplet day…
Keeping it in the family today, come with a twin or another sibling born on the same day and all matching siblings will receive a ticket.
Day 6 – 30th December
Christmas Baby Day
Were you a Christmas baby? If you were born between 25 December and 5 January, then this is the day for you. Come and celebrate with us at Edinburgh’s Christmas.
Day 7 – 31st December
Love Is In The Air Day
Are you on honeymoon (bring a date stamped wedding photo or marriage certificate) or if you want to make a marriage or civil partnership proposal? Successful proposers get a bottle of Prosecco. (Please contact if your proposal is in confidence and we will arrange winning tickets for you to collect).
Day 8 – 1st January
First Foot Day
Bring a lump of coal to the box office or another suitable first foot gift, (which will be later donated to a local charity).
Day 9 – 2nd January
Services Day
If you work for one of the Services (Armed forces, NHS, Police Scotland or the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service), then today is your day to enjoy all that Edinburgh’s Christmas has to offer.
Day 10 – 3rd January
The Silver Fox Day
If you’re 75 or over but certainly not over it, well then today is the day to prove it! Get your skates on or take to the sky. So far, the oldest person on the Star Flyer was 84. Can you beat that?
Day 11 – 4th January
Eleven Pipers Piping
You win if you come with your bagpipes or drums and are prepared to play on or before or after the ride. You can come by yourself or as a group.
Day 12 – 5th January
Gift Recycle Day
You win if you donate any new but unwanted gifts which we will donate to charity or the Royal Hospital for Sick Children
Charlie Wood, director of Underbelly and producer of Edinburgh’s Christmas said:- “Edinburgh’s Christmas is a magical place. Since we opened on 22nd November, over 1.8 million people have past through our two sites and enjoyed the atmosphere, markets, shows and attractions that Edinburgh’s Christmas has to offer. In a recent report from CNN, Edinburgh and its Christmas celebrations were highlighted as one of the top ten winter destinations around the world. Edinburgh’s Christmas is first and foremost a festival for the people of Edinburgh, and to celebrate a record breaking Edinburgh’s Christmas, we are delighted to offer 5,400 free tickets to the people of Edinburgh to thank them for helping make Edinburgh’s Christmas the success it has been.”