Operation Cipher – Police and Partner Agency Activity Around Westside Plaza

Police Scotland

Police and their partner agencies are staging a week of activities in and around the Westside Plaza as part of an ongoing operation to address community concerns and improve quality of life for the public in the Pentlands area.

On Tuesday 19th November Police Scotland, City of Edinburgh Council and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service will set up a stall within the shopping mall to engage with customers and local businesses.

Officers will provide crime prevention advice and ask the public to complete questionnaires about policing in their area, while partner agencies will be on hand to give information about fire safety and the range of community services available locally.

Throughout the week, police will also speak to retailers in and around the Westside Plaza and urge them to display Police Scotland’s ‘Made From Crime’ posters, which ask communities to come forward with information relating to criminals operating in their area.

In addition, all agencies will take part in an environmental audit of the area surrounding the centre to identify places and facilities in need of repair and remove any potential hazards.

Local Inspector Stevie Dolan is urging the public to take advantage of the partnership work ongoing in Wester Hailes and get in touch to let the organisations know what they would like to see done.

Inspector Dolan said: “The Westside Plaza is a key location within the Wester Hailes community and is visited by large numbers of the public on a daily basis.

“It is, therefore, the best place for police and partner agencies to engage with local residents and members of the business community and offer them a range of helpful advice and guidance aimed at keeping them safe and well.

“We will also be taking this opportunity to promote our ‘Made From Crime’ campaign and would ask that anyone within Wester Hailes with information relating to ongoing crime in their community contacts us immediately.

“Similarly, we are keen to hear from the public on the other issues affecting them so we can work alongside our partners to address these matters.”

Community Safety leader for the City of Edinburgh Council, Councillor Cammy Day, said: “Operation Cipher has proved to be really successful in the south west of the city by tackling issues that can seriously impact on community safety and people’s quality of life. Tomorrow’s event in Westside Plaza gives the council, police and partner agencies the chance to get feedback from the community and learn about their concerns.

“I would encourage as many people as possible to take part in this to help us focus on the issues that really matter to local residents. By working together we can help make the Wester Hailes and surrounding areas a safer, better place to live.”

Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Crew Manager for Community Safety Bruce Nisbet said “This partnership working event provides an excellent opportunity to give home fire safety advice to the community of Wester Hailes.

“We provide free home fire safety visits and fit smoke detectors where required.

“To request a home fire safety visit, call the SFRS Freephone number: 0800 0731 999, text “check” to 61611, or visit the website at www.firescotland.gov.uk.”