Edinburgh Festival Fringe – REVIEW Xara Vaughan ****.5

Xara Vaughan

Xara Vaughan in Cabaret: Mysterious Room, New Town Theatre, 96 George Street. 19:20pm daily performances

Cabaret is alive, well and performing in Edinburgh ladies and gentlemen. Xara Vaughan’s opening night in the aptly named ‘mysterious room’ was an excellent mix of traditional classics such as ‘Just in Time’, ‘Diamonds are Forever’ and of course, ‘Cabaret’ itself (with an occasional lovely cockney sparra’ twist) combined with quite captivating arrangements of modern standards such as ‘Fix You’ (Coldplay) and ‘Somewhere only we know’ (Keane).

For aficionados of musical talent and arrangement the accompanying three-piece band proved how flexible the Cabaret genre can be, if you want to listen to what can be done, book a ticket! The band comprising of keyboard, double bass and drums were equally well rehearsed and functioned beautifully well, (well done gentlemen).

Xara incorporated extracts from her life story, which sprung even more intrigue, with references to Stringfellow’s, Buddhism and Jamaica, inter-twined with a powerful vocal range and control. As well as powerful delivery, a lovely vibrato was allowed to escape every now and then which added to the feeling in each song’s tale.

The complexity of her routine is in keeping with the twist and turns of her own life, full of ups and downs, good times and perhaps the not so good. Be in no doubt these life experiences aid in her capability to provide the contrast of bright and shade in the song and mighty fine the differences are.

Anyone buying going to this show will not be disappointed, this Reviewer’s disappointment was only that he could happily have sat there for another hour listening to musical excellence and a wonderfully soulful performance from a singer that must be destined for increasing recognition.

If a sterling cabaret musical show is what you seek, you’d be mad to miss it. Many thanks Xara.

4.5 out 5

Submitted by James Stevenson