Culture and Sport Committee meeting this week
On Tuesday 28 May 2013, the council’s Culture and Sport Committee will meet to discuss some important summer events.
The Committee last met in March and decided on:
• A number of initiatives to improve library and information services across the city such as improving diversity, setting a ‘Gold Standard’ and evaluating development.
• To build on collaboration created in the Cultural Charrette meeting that took place in November at Usher Hall.
• Investment in key events e.g. £75,000 for the Great Edinburgh Cross Country/Winter Run.
• To welcome a bid by Heriot Watt University for the first National Performance Centre for Sport.
The Culture and Sport Committee meet every eight weeks and this Tuesday they will discuss:
• Key exhibitions over the summer including ‘Coming into Fashion’ – the arrival of a collection of rare fashion photographs at the City Art Centre, and the Committee will make decisions over admission charges and income.
• Forth Bridges Festival set for 2014 with the 50th Anniversary and the Committee will decide over a recommended £50, 000 funding.
• 2013/14 investment in cycling, pitches, pavilions and parks and the Committee will rule on whether to approve of a £1.215 million pound investment for a cycling hub at Hunter’s Hall Park in Craigmillar.
• Longer opening hours will be determined for City Centre Museums and Galleries over the summer.
• Sky Ride Cycling Events in 2013 run by British Cycling and BSkyB, which is not a race but a car-free public ride through Edinburgh. The committee will accept or decline the offer to deliver the second Edinburgh Sky Ride this year and whether to make a financial commitment of £21, 250 to the delivery of Local Rides, which are additional Sunday rides around the city. Last year’s was led by Sir Chris Hoy.
• To decide on the success of the library and information innovative conference EDGE and whether to hold the conference again next year.
The Culture and Sport Committee Meeting will take place at 10am, Dean of Guild Courtroom, City Chambers, High Street, Edinburgh on Tuesday 28 May 2013. This is a public meeting and the public are welcome to attend.
Committee members are Councillors Lewis (Convener), Austin Hart (Vice-Convener), Balfour, Booth, Cairns, Doran, Fullerton, Gardner, Bill Henderson, Milligan, Munro, Paterson, Shields, Burns (ex officio) and Cardownie (ex officio).