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Tuesday, July 16, 2024
Home MEP supports his local butcher Alyn_Smith_MEP_Butchers_AR


Pic Alan Richardson Dundee, Pix-AR.co.uk.
MEP Alyn Smith with the staff at Mathiesons
Leading MEP Alyn Smith demonstrated his support for buying local and eating Scottish, by lending a hand at his local butchers. Alyn, who is on the European Parliament’s powerful Agriculture Committee, was working behind the counter this morning (Saturday) at the Mathieson shop in Ratcliffe Terrace in Edinburgh. The move is being supported by both the NFU Scotland and Quality Meat Scotland (QMS). Alyn’s aim is to demonstrate his backing for Scotland’s independent butchers and Scottish farmers as the horse meat scandal continues to grow. With many Scottish consumers now deeply worried about the transparency of supply chains, shoppers are choosing to return to their local butchers, who they often know and trust.
see press release


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