Craigmillar Library site

Submitted by james milligan


There is a plan being or which has been made behind the backs of the people of Craigmillar & Niddrie.

There’s a plan to build a mosque on the site of the old library. The so called councillors who are meant to represent the area have done this behind closed doors & have not consulted with anyone in the area. There are groups (i.e.childrens groups etc) in the area who have met with the council & have proved they can afford to run their club from the old Library.  They would welcome working with other groups in the area but have been stabbed in the back by the council & councillors.

The group who want this land for a mosque applied 3 to 4 weeks after these groups met with the council. So why are they getting the land & building before these groups who have been running for longer and deserve the building?

Also why weren’t we given a say when this happened? In the Burdie/Southhouse area they where given a say.  My view is that they treat us from this area like third class. How will the people living close to a mosque have any privacy?  They won’t even have any privacy in their gardens. The public path that’s there will be closed off, denying the public a through way to the main road which is very well used by everyone.

The council should explain why this is going on and at least gave us a say and any plans should be stopped.


The Reporter has checked the Council planning portal and there do not appear to be any planning applications lodged for such a development at this time. We also asked local councillor, Maureen Child for a comment. Councillor Child said:-“There is no truth in the rumour that a decision has been made.  We can all have ‘plans’ but to bring them to fruition takes a bit longer and quite a few practical hoops.  The process of deciding on the future use of the Library should be as fair and transparent as possible. 

The vacated Craigmillar Library will be advertised for let as soon as possible and bids from all local groups will get the same consideration and have the same opportunity to gather support.  In understand that several local groups have expressed an interest.  No decision has yet been made and will not be made until all have had an opportunity to make their own proposal and have their say.”

The Reporter invites any other comments below.