Help us to get Edinburgh n0ticed!
We need your help, and we need it now!
The Reporter has been involved over some months in the beta testing of an application called n0tice which was devised and pioneered by the technical gurus at The Guardian.
n0tice is a virtual notice board where local communities post their announcements about upcoming events. (The idea is that the people who are organising the event do the posting, so that in the case of our noticeboard we have little to do with it except checking it from time to time.)
Now, we have been invited to be an ambassador for a brand new initiative involving n0tice which could have a big effect in your area of the capital. n0tice itself is being relaunched today, and this brand new project is one of the ways that it is being used. The best thing is that you can take part, and our local communities here in Edinburgh could really benefit from the exposure.
First you have to think about Mary Portas and her call to action to improve High Streets in the UK. Now think about what you might like to be changed in your area…. Then take a photo of it and send it to the project to change and celebrate the High Street. (High Street in this context really means your community or neighbourhood)
You can Tweet the photo using the hashtag#myhighstreet and #change if you want it changed or #myhighstreet and #celebrate if you want it celebrated… Get it? We thought you might like that.
You can also use Instagram using the same hashtags. The photos will be detected by an ‘interactive infographic’ and this will serve to bring them to everyone’s attention no matter where they are. So you can either recommend change relating to somewhere you are a bit fed up with, or highlight somewhere you are really in love with in Edinburgh, and that you think needs to be noticed. We know that Edinburgh is the most popular tourist destination town in the UK, but we also know what it is like to live here good and bad, and these are the things to be talked about.
We have our own ideas about those kind of places and we are sure you won’t let us down and will tell us about yours. The area that has the most photos will figure highly on the infographic..
This is a more detailed explanation by the organisers:-
We are going to invite the public to take photos and to get involved all they have to do is upload their images to or Tweet or Instagram them using the hash tags #myhighstreet and #change or #myhighstreet and #celebrate, which our interactive infographic will then automatically detect them and bring them to light
We will be working with 4 areas in the UK to kick this off. These areas will be Edinburgh, Cardiff, Leeds and Brighton. In each area we will have our ambassadors who will help initiate the campaign and through -‐ articles, photography and a final case film help inspire people to show what they want to #change and # celebrate about their high street.
The project will have as its hub, and will gather all images and posts around the campaign on a crowd-sourced n0ticeboard, to which we invite our ambassadors to be leaders of along with us. After two weeks, when the board has gathered loads of content, we will create an online interactive info graphic that will show the images and the most n0ticed content will be highlighted.
So a reminder as to what you do? Upload photos of Edinburgh to the brand new n0tice board which you will find on n0tice here Remember to use the hashtags #myhighstreet and #change or #celebrate.
We need you to send many, many photos to this board so that Edinburgh is really put on the map! Ours is the only city in Scotland which will be featured, and The Edinburgh Reporter is the only news outlet which is promoting the project, so we are really keen for you to get involved and help the project get started. BUT remember there is more to this than just hot air, Tweets and Instagrams.
The organisers said:-“At the end of the project we’re aiming to create a piece of film, showing the local stories and celebrating what people love about their communities, and the work they’re doing around their community and high street.
This will be featured on different online channels to celebrate and bring focus to local communities.”
So some of our community stories may be part of a film which will be widely distributed and made available to many news outlets, although it will be made available to us, and the other people working with n0tice on this project, as an exclusive for 24 hours. But more importantly the high spots and hot spots will feature on the infographic which will also be produced.
We are really excited to be part of this, as we think it could really highlight some great community work which we know goes on in Edinburgh. We just need you to tell us about your stories and upload your photos and start the ball rolling.
What are you waiting for? Get uploading! Tweet or Instagram with the hashtags or upload to this notice board here