Five things you need to know today

Juniper Green Market – Edinburgh Big Beach Busk – Comedy Awards – Festival of Politics


Cliff Beevers has been in touch to tell us about the Farmers Market on today Saturday, August 25 between 9am-1pm, in the car park of the dental surgery on Lanark Road (opposite Juniper Avenue) the Community Market will again be in operation.

“This will be the 24th monthly market and we would encourage you to come along to enjoy a bargain, a treat or just meet other members of your community.

Juniper Green Community Council has started a new initiative to enable local groups to come along and enjoy the benefit of a free stall, one per market on a first come basis.  It is good to report that 4 different community groups have already taken up the offer to publicise their work, advertise for new members, communicate their message and possibly sell their wares over the next four monthly markets.

The first community group to take advantage is the Currie and Balerno Air Squadron who write:

“Look out for the Currie and Balerno Squadron Air Cadets stall at the Juniper Green Community Market in August. Staff and cadets will be on hand to explain what the UK’s largest youth organisation has to offer the young people of this area.”

Those of you who managed along last month will recall the superb musical group known as the Blue Moon Cabaret Band as they played a sequence of sing along numbers.  We expect them along again next Saturday and they are a treat in themselves.

The usual  stalls offering meat, bread, cakes, coffee and greens will be in attendance.  In addition, the market manager Nick Paul has sourced some new and exciting newcomers so leave the car in the garage, take a stroll along, enjoy the music and take home a treat or two.”


Today is the day for the Edinburgh Big Beach Busk.  It takes place in Portobello on the Prom… More information on Edinburgh Spotlight.  You might need a brolly though.


The Foster’s Edinburgh Comedy Awards take place today at Dovecot Studios, 10 Infirmary Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1LT

This is a prestigious award ceremony recognising the most outstanding up-and-coming stand-up comics and comedy acts at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe. Also known as the Eddies. More information here

The best act we have seen this week is Abandoman. If you can get tickets just go. It is like watching a computer on legs. Click the link to the Fringe website for more information and tickets. 


Young people take over parliament on last day of festival

The Festival of Politics culminates in the amplified sound of young people from across Scotland making their voices heard in a verbal and musical take over on the final day of another successful festival at the Scottish Parliament today.

Scott Hutchison, front man with top Scottish band Frightened Rabbit joins the debate on The Future of the Music Industry, while highly rated bands The Machine Room and The Stagger Rats headline the Young People’s Band Night alongside Val Verde and The Dandylions.

Young People’s Day will also see youth groups and organisations from across Scotland debate the hot topics of the day in the Debating Chamber while the very young have their voices heard in Scottish Youth Theatre’s interactive storytelling session The Magic Porridge Pot aimed at the under 7s.

Those of all ages can hear The Rt Hon Sir Malcolm Rifkind QC MP debate UK-Russian Relations Today, while What Place for Poetry in Politics? sees the highly regarded panel of Aonghas MacNeacail, Janet Paisley and George Gunn debate the place of poetry in contemporary politics.

Other events include The Sounds of Silence with Gerry Hassan and Andy Wightman debating what we can do to challenge the practices of undemocracy and unspace. Untangling Article 31 will focus on the UN Convention on children’s right to play, culture and the arts and Professor Richard Demarco will discuss the importance of cultural archives in Preserving Our Culture, Shaping Our Future?

* Full details of the festival programme and tickets are available online via
* A limited number of tickets are available via the Scottish Parliament in person and via telephone on 0131 348 5405.

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Our photo today is of the Hailes Quarry Park where they have the most amazing array of outdoor gym equipment. It is right beside the canal so you can get there by bike quite easily. Have you been getting fit up there? What do you think of the equipment?

You can find out more about the Hailes Quarry Park here on the Council website.