Five things you need to know today
Cycling Safety Week – Edinburgh International Film Festival – somewhereto at The Mound on Thursday – Alastair Darling MP – Remploy
In cycling Safety week the council are putting on a Bike Breakfast with Spokes this morning from 8 am at the City Chambers. Later on there are bike related events in Festival Square from 11. There is a Drive Safe Cycle Safe event to mark National Bike Week, in the square from 11am to 2pm.
Organisations from across Edinburgh will gather there to provide tips and advice to road users on the dangers of large vehicles and blind spots.
A practical demonstration will also be staged – blind spots will be marked on the ground around a large vehicle and cyclists encouraged to swap places with the driver to understand his limited visibility.
Cycling safety videos and campaign messages will also be shown on the Big Screen.
The Edinburgh International Film Festival starts today. The opening night film is to be Killer Joe, and our preview is here…. The Edinburgh Reporter went to watch The French Connection at the Filmhouse last night when director of both films, William Friedkin (and director of The Exorcist!) was available for a Q & A afterwards. Basically he said that none of the cast of The French Connection were his choice but the Movie Gods must have been watching over him as it all fell into place. (rather well we thought – the car chase is one of the best)
And then there will be the closing night offering which everyone in The Scottish Government is certainly very excited about:- Brave made by Disney Pixar. PR Newswire reports that VisitScotland has just launched its biggest ever global marketing campaign, working alongside Disney-Pixar and their much-anticipated epic action adventure “Brave” to reach millions of potential visitors across the world.
You can watch the Visit Scotland video here. More information about the Film Festival on their website.
Mark Lazarowicz MP for Edinburgh North and Leith has today called on the UK Government to restart its mismanaged consultation on the future of 54 Remploy factories, including the one in Edinburgh at South Gyle, which under current plans is due to close in the autumn.
The call comes ahead of this week’s debate in the House of Commons in which Opposition MPs will be voting for the process to begin again. The UK Government is planning to close factories which provide vital work for disabled workers at a time when it will be difficult for many to find work with mainstream employers.
Mark said:-“The consultation on Remploy has been a shambles and it must be restarted. Here in Edinburgh there are well over 11,000 people looking for work but only 2,200 current vacancies yet Ministers think now is the right time to throw disabled workers out of a job. This government’s treatment of the thousands of Remploy workers has been nothing short of a disgrace, not least the Secretary of State’s comments that factory staff just sit around drinking coffee.
“The Government originally chose to place details of closures in the House of Commons Library until forced to make a statement directly to MPs. Now this last minute change to the tender process will make it practically impossible for a serious bidder to draw up completely new plans in just four weeks. Is the Government really interested in a future for these factories at all?”
The MP went on to explain that the Government’s own review of Remploy concluded that factories should be given help to develop a business plan 2 years before support is fully withdrawn. However, the government radically altered the terms of its Remploy tender process on May 17, one month before the deadline, and with closure looming for 36 of the 54 factories as early as this autumn.