Council Elections 2012 – Meet the candidates – Cammy Day

Cammy Day has represented the Forth ward during the current administration as a Labour councillor.

Cammy was born and raised in Edinburgh, and studies at Edinburgh University.

He has spent most of his career working with young people in many of the city’s areas of deprivation, supporting young people to challenge social injustices. Cammy was also key in supporting the creation of the city’s first independent youth forum in the north of the city.

Elected in November 2008, Cammy is the Labour Group spokesperson for Housing and Homelessness, and is a member of the Education Children and Families Committee and the Licensing Board.


Cammy is a member of the co-operative party, Scotmid and UNISON.

Contact details –

Read his blog here  (although the last post was in July 2011 – c’mon Mr Day you can do better than that!)

Follow him on Facebook