Council Elections 2012 – Meet the Candidates – Cameron Rose
Cameron Rose is Conservative councillor for the Southside & Newington Ward, and he is seeking re-election.
After 30 years as a policeman, with his five children grown up and moved away from home, he turned to local politics, successfully standing for the first time in the 2007 council elections. Over the last five years he has built up experience in local government finance, pensions, planning, economic development, social care.
He is currently education spokesman for Edinburgh Conservatives. “I want to see innovation and efficiency and a shift from our obsession with process and structures towards valuing and encouraging people as problem solvers.”
He runs two blogs, and we have often quoted or referred to them in our articles. One has seen over 2,500 posts in the last 5 years, featuring information and news for local people. The other, Climate Edinburgh, expresses his local perspective on what he sees as panicked (and expensive) public policies which are based on flawed assertions and assumptions playing on exaggerated fears.
He hopes his reputation as a hard working constituency councillor who lives in the ward he represents, and a measured and reasoned approach to people and issues, will find favour with the electorate of Southside & Newington.
Contact details
Telephone 0131 529 4078
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