Five things you need to know today
Green Investment Bank – Fair Trade Awards – International Women’s Day – Trams Boss pay-off to be kept secret – Balmoral Clock
Big news for Edinburgh today as it has just been announced by the UK Government that the Green Investment Bank is coming to the capital!
Commenting on the announcement Edinburgh’s Liberal Democrat MP Mike Crockart said:
“The Business Secretary has today made the right decision and made it for the right reasons. For the past 16 months I have been arguing that Edinburgh is the best choice for the location of the Green Investment Bank because of its strength in depth in both financial services and green technology. It is this co-location that will make the bank a success and make Edinburgh a European centre of excellence for green investment.
“Throughout that time I have been championing Edinburgh as the natural home of the Green Investment Bank. The city’s bid team put together an exceptional case for our capital and today’s announcement reflects that.
“Edinburgh’s case was supported by a group which started with the Edinburgh Chamber of Commerce but grew to encompass more than 25 partners representing the best from the public and private sectors. Edinburgh’s team has set the agenda from the start and helped to clarify the criteria for siting the ground-breaking institution.
“The bank will play a vital role in our transition to a low-carbon economy and will provide a welcome boost to the city’s economy, bringing with it an initial £3 billion to invest in green projects as well as the creation of 50-70 jobs by 2015.
There will be an International Women’s Day Lecture at University of Edinburgh today. Philippa Gregory best selling author and Edinburgh Alumna of the Year in 2009 is speaking at G1, Paterson’s Land at 6.00p.m. We have some pretty impressive women in Edinburgh in positions of power and influence, but perhaps we should all just think of the important women in our lives and give them a hug of appreciation!
This morning the Lord Provost’s Fairtrade Awards 2012 on Thursday 8 March 2012 at 11.15am in Café Camino, St Mary’s Cathedral, Little King Street, Edinburgh EH1 3JR.
Those who have taken a step for fairtrade and are being recognised with the presentation of a Lord Provost’s Fair Trade Award in 2012 in the following categories:
Best Fair Trade Achiever
Best Fair Trade Newcomer
Best Fair Trade Faith Community
Best Fair Trade School
The Lord Provost will also be welcoming Norma Gadea Paiva, a woman coffee farmer from SOPPEXCCA Coffee Co-operative in Nicaragua, Martin Rhodes from Scottish Fair Trade Forum and Malcolm Brown from Scotmid, who will be speaking about their work and fair-trade.
The BBC’s David Miller reports that the details of the pay-off for the former tie boss, Richard Jeffrey are to be kept secret contrary to what had been previously reported.
The Edinburgh Evening News reports that the Balmoral Clock stopped yesterday, and over 100 businesses had their power cut by contractors working on the trams project.