Five things you need to know today

Film Festival News

Science Festival Launch

Don’t dice with ice!

Big Wheel (may) keep on turning

Keep Janny on the Tranny


The new director of the Edinburgh International Film Festival spoke to the press yesterday and The Guardian Scotland Blog explains that this is yet another chance for the festival to “start over”. From the change in 2008 from August to June, and the disastrous ticket sales of  last year, a new chance is clearly needed . Brian Ferguson writing in The Scotsman thinks that the new director, Chris Fujiwara, is up to the job. Fujiwara has confirmed that the red carpets will be dusted off and used again, in a bid to rekindle what used to be the best film festival, and which many pundits think is about to be eclipsed by its counterpart taking place in Glasgow this month. We are a bit confused by the new director’s own appearance….check out this photo of him on the BBC website compared with the photo in The Guardian!


The Edinburgh International Science Festival are also talking to the press today as they are launching their new programme for this year’s festival which runs from 30 March to 15 April.


The Pentland Hills Ranger Service have published timely advice in this cold period of weather.

“The reservoirs within the Regional Park have partially frozen over. Please DO NOT try and cross the ice and keep dogs off the ice. Already one dog has fallen through the ice and required assistance from the Fire Brigade and Pentland Hills Ranger Service.

If someone or a dog has fallen through the ice please dial 999 but DO NOT try and venture onto the ice yourself.”

Councillor Robert Aldridge said:- “People should never venture out on to a frozen pond or reservoir. The ice can vary in its thickness and there’s a real danger of falling through. People should also take particular care with children or dogs.”


The possibility of a new Big Wheel in Edinburgh’s Princes Street Gardens is reported by STV. 


If you, like many others, disagree with the decision by BBC Scotland to take Janice Forsyth’s music programme off air on Saturday mornings to be replaced by Sport, which we have to presume is a euphemism for football, then you might like to sign this online petition.