Five things you need to know today
A fire was discovered this morning in Hazelbank Terrace and Lothian and Borders Fire Service had more than 40 firefighters deployed to the scene earlier today. We have a report here.
Scotland’s Football Team are congratulated by STV Local for winning the World Cup – that is the Homeless World Cup. Pity our regular teams cannot do just as well!
The Mela Festival is on this weekend in Edinburgh, just one of the things that we will be highlighting in our Guide to what’s on in September which will be published tomorrow.
And so a timely announcement from University of Edinburgh that they are instituting a chair of Contemporary Indian Studies.
Interesting article in the New Scientist about Edinburgh Zoo today, where the humans are in the pens…yes all part of a Fringe show. Yet another one which in the thick of so much other news in Edinburgh, has passed The Reporter by.