Five things you need to know today

The results of the City Centre ward by-election should be announced by lunchtime. It was reported to be a disappointing turnout which may be the result of the date, the Festival, holidays or just some apathy after the national elections earlier this year. The Reporter will be at the count this morning and we aim to bring you the news as soon as we know it. In fact we are running a liveblog on the event here. 


Last night The Reporter was at Hopetoun House to watch an outdoor showing of the new Spielberg movie, Super 8. Although the movie itself was a little of E.T. mixed with Close Encounters, and the horror factor was not really horrible (thank goodness!), the whole experience was a very enjoyable one. RBS had organised it and the audience were invited to drive to the venue, park in the spacious grounds, then walk round the back of the house and sit on cardboard chairs on the lawn and enjoy the movie. The chairs were remarkably comfortable, the organisation slick and we would hope that Hopetoun House will do this again. Perhaps they could organise buses however from the city centre?


The Herald reports that a private firm, Turner & Townsend is set to run the tram project in place of tie which is to be wound up, and say that a report is due today.


And STV Edinburgh report that the Council is making a decision today about a march through Edinburgh planned for September 10th. The march has cross-party support for the march by the Scottish Defence League.


The Festival of Politics starts tomorrow. Are you going? Would you like to tell us about the event? Then please email us at