Economic Development Committee 23 August 2011
The Economic Development Committee of The City of Edinburgh Council meets at 9a.m. tomorrow morning. This is the agenda:-
The Economic Development Committee previously met on 31 May 2011 to discuss matters such as Blindcraft, £55,000 sponsorship of the Clipper Round the World Yacht Race 2011-12, Remade in Edinburgh (a recycling project) and the proposed Edinburgh local currency. Since then Marketing Edinburgh Limited has been launched at the beginning of June to bring DEMA, Edinburgh Convention Bureau and Edinburgh Film Focus under one umbrella.
This time the committee are going to discuss the Edinburgh Science Triangle and the Departmental Service Plan for the next three years.
The Edinburgh Science Triangle is currently managed by Midlothian Council and it is proposed that The City of Edinburgh Council takes over the management from them. The project is a collaboration to raise the profile of science within the Edinburgh area and perhaps encourage business in those areas within the capital. The Council’s level of investment will stay the same at £40,000 per annum, although the control of the project will transfer to them.
We hope to attend the meeting and will bring you a report on any developments afterwards.