Stockbridge Theatre under threat
The historic Stockbridge Theatre is under threat as the council has put the deteriorating building up for sale. Renting the property is no longer an option for the theatre group, and funding of around £2 million will be required to buy the property and effect the renovations to the building.
The cultural alliance campaign group set up to save the building from being sold off to developers has a very short time frame within which it can raise funds and so they are actively looking for potential investors.
If funds are secured, the plans are that the theatre will be renovated adding a cafe and offering private hire availability. It is also hoped to make the space environmentally friendly in order to lower energy bills. The theatre will then be self-sustaining as an arts venue with no reliance on public funding.
At the meeting held last night, campaign group leader Lesley Ann said :-”During the festival, the arts venue would bring benefit to the local economy and it would be a great focal point for the community. It will be an opportunity for young people to participate in the arts.”
The campaign group need your help to raise the necessary funds, and you can contact them on Facebook where they already have 400 likes!