Five things you need to know today
We are attending the High Court this morning hoping to hear the appeal by Nat Fraser to the Court of Criminal Appeal. The case is not listed anywhere that we can see, but we know it was scheduled to be heard today. More on that story later which deals with the appeal by Fraser against his conviction for murder of his wife Arlene. The UK Supreme Court last week heard his case and granted his appeal. Here is the Press Summary from the UK Supreme Court and you will see that the court quite clearly thought his human rights had been breached, and that the case should be referred to “a differently constituted Appeal Court” to decide whether to prosecute of new.
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The possibility of withdrawing funding for the UK Supreme Court seems to have created a bit of a rift between the Justice Secretary, Kenny MacAskill MSP, and the First Minister, Alex Salmond according to The Telegraph.
The related case (in that the two cases were being appealed on similar grounds) was that of Luke Mitchell whose leave to appeal to the UK Supreme Court was denied yesterday here in Edinburgh.
We are also attending the council’s Development Management Sub-Committee this morning and will report on that later too.
All the latest planning applications in Edinburgh are now being displayed on a map prepared by, among others, Michael MacLeod and Ally Tibbitt. The map is on Greener Leith and is very much worth a look. It is produced with the might of ScraperWiki. We met the lady behind the company the other week…
Portobello and Craigmillar Neighbourhood Partnership meet later in Portobello High School at 6.30 with parking and community grants featuring on the agenda there, which is also here….
Finally, city fitness instructor, Tracy Griffen, is looking for a few people to take part in a free Laughter Yoga class. She says that photography may be involved but it should be fun!