City Centre Neighbourhood Partnership meeting 12 May 2011

On 12 May at 7pm in the City Chambers, the City Centre Neighbourhood Partnership is meeting to discuss all the items on the agenda reproduced for you below.

Items of note include:-

Neighbourhood Partnership Community Grants Fund

There will also be an opportunity to see what is proposed by the architects employed by the council who have put forward their future vision of Princes Street, Rose Street and George Street. This is now out to public consultation. On 22 February 2011 the Policy and Strategy Committee met and considered the report by the Director of City Development on what might be done in the city centre.  Gehl Architects have produced a report entitled Edinburgh Revisited: Public Space, Public Life.

There is now to be a public consultation in 2 cycles with results to be collated and reported back to the Transport committee within the calendar year. There is more information on the matter of Princes Street realm in this Transport committee document reproduced for you here.

Item No 22 – City Centre and Princes Street Public Realm//

There are short, medium and long term improvements proposed to achieve a “more vibrant livable city centre.” These include suggestions such as reducing bus congestion, jaywalking, obstacles created by guardrails, improving lighting, reducing traffic-related pollution, removing clutter on the streets and pavements, enhancing facade treatment, making  places for ‘spontaneous sitting’ (how we love that phrase!), reduction of noise levels, creation of new areas for play and exercise and increasing green areas.

This meeting is open to all.

This is the agenda

CCNP Agenda 12 May 2011//