World Heritage Day

As a finale to today’s World Heritage Day celebrations, Edinburgh will be hosting a tour through the closes of the Old Town this evening.

Beginning at 8pm tonight, the event is part of five across Scotland involving UNESCO World Heritage sites, forming part of the Shadows of our Ancestors.

The tour around the Old Town of Edinburgh will involve displays of images referring to familiar locations in Edinburgh, while the children of the Royal Mile Primary School will be performing some old songs and games led by choreographer, Andy Howitt.

Passengers on Lothian Buses will also be able to make use of a free audio tour on their service 23 which has been launched today, offering information aimed at Edinburgh residents.

The head tour guide involved with the project, Robert Leslie, said:- “There’s no better way to find out about a city’s inspiring history than by bus tour.” However, the audio tour can also be enoyed on foot. The MP3 and a route map is available to download from the Lothian Buses website.

Edinburgh’s UNESCO location was recently voted the most recommended World Heritage site in the UK.

Other sites around Scotland have also been show-cased, including Orkney, New Lanark,  St.Kilda and The Antonine Wall.