Queensferry District Community Council meeting on 28 March 2011

Queensferry & District Community Council held its monthly business meeting on 28 March 2011 in the Burgh Chambers.

Fourteen members were present, including Almond Ward councillors, Kate MacKenzie and Norman Work, and PC Aidan Douds from Lothian & Borders Police.

The meeting was joined by Sandra Scott from GSI Events who gave an overview of the Kilomathon charity run taking place on 17 April.  Changes to traffic management following last year’s event will ensure access is maintained to Port Edgar, as well as easing access to Dalmeny.

Mike Spring of Common Ground Arts gave an update on the Queensferry mosaic project which is still looking for a suitable display site.  A number of possible sites have been identified.

The police report indicated 30 crimes recorded during the period, including unfortunately one incident of sexual assault.  Enquiries are continuing to establish the identity of the male responsible, although it does appear at this stage to be an isolated incident and the public should not be overly alarmed.

Convenors reports included news of a forthcoming revision to single and peak return fares on First Bus service 43.  The lack of public consultation on the B924 cycle path construction has been raised with the Council; public exhibitions for the development of the old Agilent site took place; the new Contact & Education Centre at the Forth Road Bridge will shortly be submitted for planning approval; the bus hard shoulder running on the M9 spur has been approved; and the winning bidder for the Forth Replacement Crossing has been announced.

Full minutes of the meeting will be available online shortly on Facebook