Drew – Edinburgh man Cycling for Charity

Drew Campbell is a man embarking on several journeys this year.

He is planning a trip to Italy later in the summer, but not content with simply going there, (and perhaps sitting down for a while!) he is taking his bicycle with him and plans to cycle over 250 miles to raise money for Edinburgh charity, Vocal.

Campbell is now in his 70th year, but shows few signs of slowing down…..

Not only is he planning his trip, but he is also learning how to set up a blog at the same time. Drew recently met Cate, his internet buddy, who is teaching him how to use a computer and also how to use email and blog…. This is part of the IT Buddy scheme run by Edinburgh City Libraries. Cate is from Utah originally and has her own blog too.

So this is a tale of many journeys, and we plan to unfold it for you (and you will learn later what a pun that is!) in little pieces.

The first step is to get to the continent.

Drew will take the train from Edinburgh to Stokesley in August 2011. He is getting on the European Bike Bus at Stokesely Middlesborough which is the furthest north that the bus picks up.The bus then goes to Dover to cross the Channel…and then this is the planned route…. Watch out for updates on his progress here.

[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=202323151773113390122.00049f4f5a8f270bde581&ll=49.508333,5.16735&spn=12.877888,16.712265&output=embed&w=425&h=350]