Monday 2nd August 2010
A young girl is seriously ill in The Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh with head injuries after falling down a cliff in Fife. She was airlifted to hospital accompanied by her father, according to Deadline.
The Scottish Government has said that it will not be minded to change the status of Scottish Water despite the recommendations in the Independent Budget Review, according to The Press Association.
Deadline also report that Anne Hathaway is filming in the New Town in Edinburgh this week. The film is called One Day.
Over the weekend there were some fruit machines on the beach in Portobello. It was all part of an installation by an arts organisation and was an amazing sight by all accounts! You can see some photos on Flickr here. Big Things on the Beach is a public arts trust in Portobello which is trying to find a way to develop the Prom along the 17km of coastline on the north of the city. This year the trust is implementing a year long project called Imagine Porty Prom. It is funded by The Scottish Arts Council and The City of Edinburgh Council. The Portobello Public Art House is only open till September 2010 so hurry along…! You can become involved as a volunteer.
The East of Scotland Investment Fund has £5m available to be handed out as loans to small to medium sized businesses to help them grow. The money can be used as working capital or for buying plant and equipment or business property. The application form is on their website.
Hearts FC have been fined £60,000 for poor discipline, STV News has revealed.