Rowing is back!

There is a vibrant rowing club down at Portobello and they run hour long training sessions on Saturdays from 9.30. They have other training sessions at other times of the week.

Taster sessions from 1pm to 3pm on Sundays.

Find out more about this on their website.

The club is also holding a regatta on 24th July when they expect boats to come from Port Seaton, North Berwick, Eyemouth, Anstruther and Ullapool. Unfortunately the Newhaven boat is not yet ready but their crews will be there and hope to take part as crew on other boats.

The Portobello Club is expecting the newly built Currach from Tollcross, a pre 1930’s single man wooden rowing boat with moving seats and very long and shallow should be restored by that date. They hope to have the Royal West Coast Boat Club in attendance too as they have many of the boats that were in Portobello in the past.

There is an exhibition at the local library from the 22nd with much archival material and artefacts collected through this project.