Car sales and other news today

So why is this? Are we simply being canny Scots? Business7 reports this story and apparently new car registrations fell by 6% last month in contrast with a 12.5% rise in the rest of the UK. But it does not really explain the why. The government scrappage scheme has been ended. That could be one reason. But is it simple economic necessity?

A hosepipe ban has been imposed in the north west of England and will come into force this weekend. Listening to a radio interview about this yesterday it became apparent that there is some confusion over what it actually means. The spokesman for United Water could not readily answer a question about watering an allotment and it seemed that watering from a watering can would not be banned.

The Edinburgh Reporter wonders about the situation in Edinburgh. Do we have enough water here? We asked Scottish Water and they have confirmed that there is no shortage at the moment and in fact none is envisaged. They say that water supplies in the major cities of Scotland is well protected and so it is very unlikely that we would run out.

They have however asked for a drought order to be put in place in Dumfries and Galloway (which would make sense as it is very near the North West of England…) So what should we do to try and conserve our water supply in the city?

There are some really useful tips on conserving water on the Scottish Water website.

These include ensuring that your taps are not dripping, using a watering can instead of a hosepipe, boiling a kettle with only sufficient water for your needs, using a bucket to wash your car and having a shower not a bath. We thought the more obvious one of not running a tap whilst brushing your teeth might be included, and also using a washing machine and dishwasher with full loads…..Any others you can think of?