Edinburgh Rat Run 16 July 2010
Runners of all fitness levels and abilities are invited to don their own office uniforms or fantasy work clothes (‘what you want to be when you grow up’); from doctors and nurses; astronauts and jockeys to vicars, firemen and deep sea divers, for a bit of light running, jogging or walking from West Princes Street Gardens to the Castle Esplanade and back, taking in some of Edinburgh’s most famous landmarks en route.
Those still bursting with energy after the fun and frolics of the latest ‘team building works outing’ can join in the mischief of a massive office party in the Rat Race Adventure Village at the Ross Bandstand, West Princes Street Gardens, with music and a live MC, food and drinks a plenty late in to the night.
Jim Mee of organisers Rat Race Events, said: ‘With the stunning backdrop of Edinburgh Castle and the great hard working folk of Edinburgh I am confident that our new Edinburgh Rat Run, a winning formula of fresh air, exercise and office fancy dress, will create a party, full of camaraderie and bite, to launch the 2010 Rat Race weekend in style. What could be more appealing than a bit of a run and a few ice cold beers with friends and work mates on a Friday night after a hard weeks graft?’
Entry to the Edinburgh Rat Run is only £10 in advance (£15 on the day) and includes entry to the Edinburgh Rat Run and Office Party and a complimentary half pint from the event bar courtesy of Edinburgh’s Local Independent brewery – Stewart Brewing.
So conference call your mates now and get that diary date synchronized!
Now confirmed as taking place on the weekend of the 17 and 18 of July 2010 the Rat Race Urban Adventure Series returns to its spiritual home for two days of tackling the capital head on with a combination of brawn, brains and gutsy determination. Teams of two and three of all abilities will hike, bike, abseil, climb, kayak and navigate their way around the streets, structures, waterways and the urban landscapes of Edinburgh over one or two days; combined with surreal sporting tests and obstacles.
Taking adventure sports out of the wilderness and putting them onto the streets of the world’s coolest cities, the Rat Race Urban Adventure Series is a totally unique adventure challenge in which athletes take part in a multi-sport test of endurance, skills and guts on a course that is revealed only hours before the event begins.
For more information and to sign up for the first Edinburgh Rat Run – http://www.ratraceadventure.com/ratrun/
To learn more about the Edinburgh Rat Race 2010 go to: www.ratraceadventure.com