pajama-men-just-the-two-of-each-of-us_31308The Pajama Men (Shenoah Allen and Mark Chavez) at the Assembly Roxy is a wonderfully engaging and picaresque American mini-epic. This ludicrously accomplished narrative sketch comedy is laugh out loud hilarious throughout but still weirdly touching; partly because the myriad of characters brought to life remain sympathetic and universal, to be laughed along with, rather than at.

Somehow we’re all there, as barrel-chested mid West cops, a Grimm mid-European King and dysfunctional manservant, bitchy Manhattan queens, dysfunctional teenagers, scary bikers, or the rest. (the character changes are seamless, the story-telling breakneck and total, not a limb or a digit unused to comic effect). The tale, told as you might expect, by two blokes in their Pajamas, knits its absurd episodes into a satisfying world with consummate skill; born from impro. this show retains a delightfully improvised feel, uninhibited and experimental, seeing where minds on imagination’s rocket fuel can take us, – it’s fun, accessible, and sparkling with physical and verbal wit.

Allen and Chavez really enjoy their on-stage world, indeed one of the most appealing things on display here is the warmth and strength of their comedy partnership. With a beautifully apt live musical accompaniment throughout the accomplished ease of this Albuquerque duo is a real pleasure and delight to watch. Not to be missed.
Five stars!


Category Comedy
Group Assembly
Venue Assembly Roxy ​
Date 15-26 August
Time 21:00
Duration 1 hour
Suitability 16+

Submitted by Ade Morris

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